Provide value to organizations, contributing to its` success and distinction
Executive Search Partners´ Mission is the creation of value where Human Capital is concerned, with the aim of optimising company results, providing satisfaction and personal and professional development of its Human Resources. Our main objective is to offer Recruitment and Selection service with the utmost Quality and Proximity, working with and for Customers. We are moved by the desire to support organizations to succeed and the ambition of having human assets that differentiate themselves and, therefore, enable them to improve and evolve gradually. It is our strong belief that the job of Executive Search Partners is not confined to the contribution of services for which we are designated, but that all developed work creates value to organizations, optimizing the skills of professionals with whom we interact. The creation of value goes beyond filling gaps detected in organizations and the motivations of professional development inherent to people with whom we work, fundamentally, by promoting consistent and lasting relationships of trust with our partners.. Last but not least, we seek that each Recruitment and Selection process constitutes an opportunity for the professionals with whom we work to learn and develop, always keeping in mind our motto “Your Success is Our Mission” while considering both the companies (Clients) and the professionals (Candidates).